A legendary album from a legendary british band which have never been quite sure with their genre. However, Origin Of Symmetry is usually considrerd to be alternative and space rock. I, personally, sure that this album is a true experimental and hard rock album. Yes, theese two absolutely opposing genres can coexist.
We can hear some space, atmospheric and even symphinic sounds, because the band used a lot of untipical for rock music instruments, such as organ and balaphon. Those sprinkles of atmospheric melancholy make us forget about the world we live and take us to the journey through the universe, to the distance planets and galaxies. On the other hand, it is impossible not to feel heavy, aggressive mood on such tracks as Plug In Baby and Hyper Music. They literally set the whole album on fire, making the album's cover suit it's music.
Finally, I suppose that Origin Of Symmetry is a true genious work which combines hard and expiremantal work in a 50-minutes long journey through space.
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Origin Of Symmetry Review